The Inglewood Jar

 On display at Hutton-in-the-Forest part of the contemporary ceramics collection.


My jar in its grand setting

 Jar 17″ high – Red Flambe glaze with Wood Ash poured over and Iron Oxide brushed over, fired to 1380C

Purchased by Lord and Lady Inglewood for their collection at Hutton-in-the-Forest

My jar on display at Hutton in the Forest

The Inglewood Jar

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Posted in: General, Old Posts by David Fry

Film of the Potfest in the Park

A film I made of Potfest in the Park show 2011.

Posted in: Old Posts by David Fry

The Roman Milecastle

 An official plaque is now fixed to the building on 69 Westgate Road to mark where I discovered a Roman Milecastle in 1985.

See my web page for the full story of the discovery.

The Milecastle Plaque

Posted in: General, News, Old Posts by David Fry

Cultural Olympiad 2012

A Project working with the Oriental Museum in Durham Uni. and a group of students.
to make ‘Chinese Porcelain’ using original methods, based on items in the collection at the Museum.

The Made in China exhibition runs until the 16th Sept 2012  The Oriental Museum

Oriental Museum Durham

work made by students for the cultural-olympiad project

Posted in: Old Posts by David Fry

Photographs from the 2011 Late Show

Click to view the photos of the Late Show 2011

Click to view the photos of the Northern Clay exhibition 2011

Posted in: Old Posts by David Fry

Double page feature in the May issue – Culture Magazine

The Newcastle Journal Culture Magazine – May 2011 issue.
Double page special feature on the Northern Clay exhibition.
page 12 & 13.

The Pottery Studio

Culture Magazine

Also check out this months Crack Magazine

And also this months Craft&Design Magazine for the National Ceramics Week

Posted in: Old Posts by David Fry

The Craft&Design Awards

Craft & Design selected awards 2011, I’ve been awarded the Silver Award.

thanks to everyone that voted for me

link to site :

Posted in: Old Posts by David Fry

Article on my work

web article from Ceramics & Pottery Arts & Resources

Posted in: Old Posts by David Fry

Northern Clay 2011

A Special exhibition of work from leading UK ceramic artists working in the North East of England.

To celebrate the National Ceramics Week 2011. The Exhibition will run from the 3rd to the 14th of May, and will be held at Newcastle Arts Centre.The grand finale of the exhibition will be the Late Shows at the Arts Centre on the evening of the 14th of May. The artists taking part and more details about the exhibition on this

website  : Northern-Clay

Photos of the Exhibition

Photos of the Late Show

Posted in: Old Posts by David Fry

A film about my work going to Korea

An interesting film about Korean pottery making,

and the making by David Fry of a special presentation piece now on display in the Samsung Museum of Ceramics.


Posted in: General, Old Posts by David Fry